EHR Data Jumpstarts Global Patient Records with Data Ownership Campaign

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EHR Data has been developing its Global Patient Records (GPR), a healthcare database built on the Bitcoin SV blockchain that is geared towards providing industries and stakeholders worldwide with real-time access to the same healthcare data—“a single source of truth.” Blockchain development is key to creating a global healthcare database, and EHR Data knows this. The Bitcoin SV blockchain provides EHR Data with the transparency, scalability, security and immutability of data that they need. On top of this, it can handle low-cost microtransactions and big data, which are crucial to establishing this kind of database that entails a massive amount of data being inputted on the blockchain.

“EHR Data is a company that’s existed for 41 years in the U.S. It’s not a startup. It is a significant player in the world of healthcare data in the U.S. It’s bringing its 41 years of experience to follow Craig Wright’s lead in empowering people to have more control over their data, in this case, healthcare data. They want to create more patient safety. They’re building the concept of a global electronic health record, so that all of your health data can live in one place on the blockchain. As opposed to the current systems we have in the U.S. and many countries where I go to my general practitioner doctor, and they have some of my health records; my dentist has some health records,” Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen said in a presentation of enterprise solutions built on the Bitcoin SV blockchain during an event in Ljubljana, Slovenia last March 3, 2020.

And to jumpstart this movement towards patient data ownership, the EHR Data Wavemakers was launched to make people aware, educate and empower them to have more control over their data. Central to this movement is the digital campaign My EHR Story, which encourages people to come out of their shells and share their stories on social media using the hashtag #myEHRstory about the times they have been let down by miscommunication or healthcare date failure.

“Times are changing, and a greater focus is being placed on interoperability and the patients’ absolute right to increased access to their health data. We will spearhead and shepherd this process; it’s high time that there was a centralized location for healthcare data, controlled and permissioned by the patient that they and their team of providers can access at any time,” Ron Austring, EHR Data Chief Scientist, explained.

This single source of truth will start in the U.S. and will then cover the entire world. Imagine if this was already in place two years ago. Maybe the coronavirus would not have spread as much and taken millions of lives. With access to the same global healthcare data updated in real-time, the symptoms could have been pinpointed sooner, diagnosis made faster, the public alerted to more accurate information earlier and better vaccines developed more expeditiously. Maybe the world would not be in the pickle it is in now dealing with a pandemic that has not only killed so many, but has also crippled the global economy.

Now is the time to answer this call to action. Visit to know more about how to share your story.



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