How to make a blockchain with the Antara Composer of Komodo?

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Although for most people, thinking about creating a blockchain seems somewhat out of reach, thanks to Komodo’s Antara Composer it is possible. With this application you can create your own blockchain easily and in a matter of minutes.

The adoption of cryptocurrencies increases every day, there are more and more places where you can pay with virtual currencies, there are more businesses that are committed to blockchain and governments that look favorably on this technology.

That is why considering creating your own blockchain, with your own token and giving extra value to your business is an option that you should have in mind.

In this tutorial, we will explain step by step how to create a blockchain in Komodo, thanks to Antara Composer.

How to create a Blockchain with Antara Composer


The steps to follow will be the following:

Go to the Komodo website and choose the [TRY ANTARA COMPOSER] option, then you must register on the platform, click on [SIGN UP]

Registration in Antara Composer

To proceed to the registration you only need to enter an email and a password.

The next step will be to verify the email sent to the email address provided to create the account.

Once verified, you can access the platform to create a blockchain.

The first thing that is shown is a window where it shows the blockchain created and the possibility and create a new one, as what we want is to learn how to create them, click on [ADD YOUR FIRST BLOCKCHAIN].

Creation and configuration of a Blockchain in the Antara Composer of Komodo

Once we are inside you will see a wide variety of options to customize your blockchain, we will explain the most important.



As the name implies, the basic elements of our blockchain can be configured in this section.

Name, description, Tiker, Token Supply or logo are some of these options, you will also request a Komodo address and the public key of it.

As easy as filling out a form.


This option allows the possibility of allowing private transactions, that private transactions are optional or mandatory.


Choose whether you want your network to be Proof of Stake (POS) or Proof of Work (POW), or a mixture of both.


The Antara framework is from Komodo flexible end-to-end framework for simple and efficient blockchain development.

“Antara modules are optional, complete Turing add-ons that come standard with all smart chains. In fact, the Antara Module library comes with a number of powerful options: tokens, oracles, stable currencies, instant micropayment channels, reliable prices and much more.”,they say on their website.


Configure rewards for your network, the standard rewards are configured to be used by the most inexperienced users, but Antara Composer allows you to configure them to suit the user, you can also deactivate the rewards.


Once these fields are configured, you just have to press the [LAUNCH NOW] button located on the bottom left of the page and you will access the purchasing section to complete your Blockchain.



Antara Framework allows you to add a wide variety of features to the blockchain that is being created. You can rent nodes, a mining node that will allow you to pre-mine your tokens, list your token in the Komodo atomicDEX, access to the creation of wallets and a wide variety of elements whose choice will depend on the needs of each project.

When you have selected the necessary features, the following will be to proceed to the payment, for this you can choose payment with cryptocurrencies or payment via PayPal.

When choosing the payment with cryptocurrencies, it will take us to a new window where we will have to choose the currency with which we want to pay with and the application will show you a wallet address to which you should make the payment.

Once the payment is completed, your blockchain will appear on the main page and you can access it to see if everything works correctly.



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