In the culmination of 18 months of development, Waves is set to release the most powerful and user-friendly blockchain platform in existence. The launch of the Waves Client 1.0 will take place on 13 December, bringing a totally redesigned client to mainstream businesses and users.
Blockchain for the masses
The flagship Waves Client 1.0 features a completely redesigned interface, intended to enhance the user experience to a point where it compares favourably with the best online banking and trading platforms. The result is a clean, elegant UI, with simple and intuitive navigation enabling any user to access all of the platform’s powerful features, regardless of whether they have any previous experience of blockchain clients or applications.
“Our frontend developers have succeeded in creating an information-rich Uf that is nevertheless uncluttered and unthreatening, rendering it perfect for newcomers and crypto experts alike,” comments Waves founder and CEO, Alexander lvanov.
Comprehensive overhaul
Every feature of the original wallet has been redesigned to ensure it is as straightforward to
use as any other traditional online financial application.
Right from the start, considerable effort has been taken to guide the user through every necessary step with a minimum of friction. Registration is fast and smooth, with a new and unobtrusive method of ensuring Seeds are backed up. Accounts can now be given unique identifiers and avatars for ease of recognition. lndustry best practices have been applied to simple send and receive operations, and the portfolio has been redesigned to show dollar-equivalent values and daily change. Similarly, the transaction history has been overhauled to group transactions by day and display all information conveniently.
The Token Launcher and Leasing tabs have received significant attention, as two operations that were previously complex and sometimes entailed confusion. Leasing, in particular, is now an extremely easy process, with the addresses of major mining pools given in the tab alongside leased and available balances.
However, it is Waves’ decentralised exchange that will most impress the crypto trading community. The interface for the DEX is now indistinguishable from that of any top-tier crypto exchange, with a familiar layout and all the tools required by expert traders. At the same time, it manages to stay simple enough – with a minimalist and moveable dialog box – for occasional traders and beginners to make quick buys and sells without engaging with the
more complex functionality available.
“In terms of making blockchain accessible to mainstream users, we’re very proud of what we’ve achieved here. People are real/y going to like this,” says Alexander.
The Waves platform was launched to catalyse the mass adoption of blockchain technologies, and the new Wallet – the popular interface for all the functionality the platform has to offer – as been fully redesigned with this in mind. lt offers an elegant, accessible user experience which favourably compares with the best online banking applications and trading platforms.
The wallet has been updated following extensive feedback from users, with numerous issues fixed and a number of common problems for cryptocurrency users addressed. Right from the start, using the wallet is secure, smooth and straightforward.
That commitment to UX begins with account creation, which has been overhauled to ensure that users save their Seed – the unique string of words that enables access to a blockchain address – without being obtrusive or off-putting. A new process has been implemented to make this vital stage as reliable but simple as possible. Addresses, which take the form of long strings of characters, are now given short identifiers and can be associated with an avatar for ease of recognition.
Once an account has been created and opened, navigating around the feature-rich wallet is similarly clean and intuitive. The wallet presents a wealth of information whilst avoiding being cluttered or confusing, making it both easy to use and extremely powerful. The homepage displays balances for the most popular currencies and tokens, with quick-send and receive options, as well as a customisable chart for recent price activity.
Menu icons along the top of the wallet link to the user’s portfolio, transaction history and leasing. Individual tokens can be toggled to ensure the Portfolio only displays assets of interest, and alongside the balance of each is given its dallar value and change over 24 hours. Under the Transactions tab, entries are batched by day and can be filtered by type (send, receive, exchanged, leased, issued). Specific transactions can also be located with the search bar. Meanwhile the Leasing tab considerably simplifies the leasing process, enabling the user to select from a series of popular mining pools, with addresses provided within the client and at-a-glance information about leased and available balances.
Finally, the interface for the DEX has been completely redesigned to bring the user-experience into line with that of the most popular centralised exchanges and mainstream trading platforms. The UI is, essentially, indistinguishable from any top-tier crypto exchange and includes all of the trading tools and charting features expected by professional and expert traders, without being overwhelming for newcomers or those who make occasional changes and allocations to a long-term portfolio.
One of the core elements of the Waves platform is the decentralised exchange (DEX): a peer-to-peer engine that allows users to trade Waves assets against each other quickly and securely, with low fees and no middlemen.
The DEX interface has been completely redesigned to bring the user experience into line with the most popular centralised exchanges and mainstream trading platforms. The UI is now indistinguishable from that of any other top-tier crypto exchange and includes all of the trading tools and charting features expected by professional and expert traders, without being overwhelming for newcomers or those who make occasional trades or allocations to a long-term investment portfolio.
The layout is a variation of that familiar to every cryptocurrency trader, though considerable effort has been made to ensure it is cleaner than many other examples in the sector. On the lefthand side of the DEX screen a list of tokens is displayed for the main reference currencies, WAVES and BTC. These lists can be customised to show only those tokens that are held by or relevant to the user, and alongside the ticker symbol and name of each are given the price in the relevant currency, and change over the last 24 hours.
On the right, the Orderbook for the selected pair is displayed in the conventional style, with Quantity, Price and Total for the sell and buy sides, and highest bid/last price/lowest ask showed between the two lists. Trade History for the whole market is given beneath this, whilst at the bottom centre of the screen the user’s own open orders are displayed, with a separate tab for Order History.
The centre a rea of the screen contains the most impressive feature of the new DEX interface: a candlestick chart with adjustable scale and vol u me bars, with depth chart and mid-spread price beneath. These are further complemented by a broad range of trading tools that can be toggled and customised to provide a wealth of trading signals and market information, from simple moving averages to more advanced indicators. Night mode and price alerts are also available.
Although the DEX interface would not look out of place on any traditional crypto exchange, it also provides a dialogue box to make quick buys and sells of favourite tokens. This gives only a minimum of information including bid/ask prices. The box can be moved around the interface, so that it can be tucked out of the way so as not to intrude on the trading experience for more adept traders, but can instantly be accessed for those who simply wish to make a quick purchase or sell.
The Waves Platform is a global public blockchain platform, founded in 2016. Waves Platform’s mission is to reinvent the DNA of entrepreneurship around the world by providing a shared infrastructure, offering easy-to-use, highly functional tools to make blockchain available to every person or organisation that can benefit from it. The Waves Platform is primarily designed to support the issuance, trade and exchange of digital assets or tokens using blockchain technology. lt is supposed to use Proof-of-Stake as its consensus algorithm. Waves Platform completed its lnitial Coin Offering in June 2016, garnering more than $16 million (30,000 BTC}.