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Crypto-Technology News

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Blockchain is the new technology that is revolutionizing all sectors and markets, transportation, communication, video games, Artificial Intelligence, online security, automotive, this technology is expanding, updating and improving thanks to blockchain technology.

In this section our editorial team discusses blockchain and new emerging technologies related to cryptocurrencies.

The adoption of this technology is progressive and little by little it is being integrated in our day to day life, being more and more common to find news related to it.

What are the Impacts of Blockchain Technology on the Health Sector?

What are the Impacts of Blockchain Technology on the Health Sector?

The scope of blockchain technology in the healthcare industry is immense. Blockchain initiatives in the health sector started later than those in other sectors, but they grew significantly in 2016 and 2017. According to a publication of Peerbits, the total revenue which was at approximately $34.47 million in 2017, is expected to grow to $1415.59 million in 2024.

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