A New Survey Shows Web3 Games are Long Away From Mass Adoption

A New Survey Shows Web3 Games are Long Away From Mass Adoption
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According to a survey conducted by Coda Labs, 6,921 people from five countries were asked questions about crypto, NFTs, and Web3 games in order to determine their perceptions and opinions about these topics.

A recent survey found that traditional gamers have little interest in Web3 gaming despite the fact that huge amounts of money have been poured into Web3 gaming due to the fact that nonfungible tokens (NFTs) are still in their infancy and have little interest in them. 

According to the report, 81% of gamers regularly play video games but only sporadically use crypto like Bitcoin or Ethereum on a regular basis. Gamers could be defined as those who play video games at least once a month, although almost all (97%) of respondents play video games on a daily basis.

Gamers vs. Crypto Lovers

Additionally, 16% of Crypto Gamers play video games and use crypto on a regular basis, which makes them both gamers and crypto non-gamers who meet the criteria for both categories. In addition, these people play video games at least twice a month using a crypto wallet, trading via a decentralized exchange (DEX), and buying NFTs on a monthly basis.

Moreover, 3% of Crypto Non-Gamers use crypto regularly but do not play crypto games on a regular basis. There are a lot of Crypto Non-Gamers out there who don’t simply buy some Bitcoin on exchanges. A crypto wallet is used, a DEX is used for trading via, or a monthly purchase of NFTs is made through a crypto wallet.

There are a number of interesting facts about gamers and crypto enthusiasts’ communities which can be found in some of the key findings. Heavy crypto users (also known as Crypto Natives) are five times as likely to play a video game than non-gamers.

Only 3% of respondents were heavy crypto users who did not play at least twice a month, whereas 16% of respondents were ‘Crypto Gamers.’ There were 81% of respondents were gamers that used crypto occasionally or didn’t use it at all in the past year.

On a scale of 1 to 10, gamers rate their feelings about cryptocurrency and NFTs at 4.5 and 4.3, respectively, based on a rating system that ranges from 1 (hate) to 10 (love). Crypto Gamers, on the other hand, are very positive about both cryptocurrencies and NFTs, with ratings of 8.1 for cryptocurrencies and 7.5 for NFTs.

A crypto gamer is referred to as a ‘gamer on steroids.’ A lot of these gamers play as much as regular gamers, but they play more competitively and on a greater variety of platforms. There is a 62% increase in the likelihood that crypto gamers are going to spend money in-game, which means they are more likely to play shooters and collect special items.

According to this report, traditional gamers still need many more incentives to enter the new Web3 innovative ecosystem.



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