The CRUZEO Protocol Announces Partnership with nOS

The CRUZEO Protocol Announces Partnership with nOS
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The CRUZEO Protocol, a service economy framework has announced partnership with the virtual operating system nOS. The merger is with an aim to build a decentralized service economy and will leverage to increase its discoverability for users and offer special activities or promotions.

How nOS and CRUZEO Protocol Will Work Together

  • Through technical and strategic cooperation
  • The two companies aim to create special promotions and activities for nOS/CRUZEO users, e.g. free ride by signing up to CRUZEO Marketplace using nOS Client.
  • nOS will be explored as a supported currency on CRUZEO’s marketplace
  • The CRUZEO Protocol will integrate their protocol and marketplace application with nOS
  • Increased exposure or discoverability for CRUZEO users via the nOS gateway

About CRUZEO Protocol

CRUZEO is a decentralized services application protocol built on the NEO blockchain and Ontology network. The platform’s main aim is to revolutionize ridesharing by putting value data and control back into the hands of the users who earn it.

About CRUZEO Protocol

Also, CRUZEO intends to empower the service economy by presenting service providers and developers with versatile toolbox required to create cheap and highly scalable decentralized marketplaces without any previous programming experience.

According to the platform’s Medium post, some of the key features the CRUZEO Protocol will offer include,

  • A digital identity system
  • Decentralized arbitration and discovery protocols
  • A fiat-to-crypto payment gateway
  • Escrow Services
  • A smart user reputation system

Introduction to nOS

As stated earlier, nOS is a virtual operating system whose main goal is to simplify the user experience of accessing Decentralized Applications, (DApps). The platform features an internet browser, a DApp gateway and a recently revealed ID system that follows on the OAuth2 standard.

Below are some of the befits of nOS ID to developers;

  • Choice of development language and framework
  • Increased app security and decreased liability
  • One-click registration and login for server-side apps on nOS
  • One-click cryptocurrency payments via integration with the nOS Client
  • Integration of app features that depend on a cryptocurrency balance without using a wallet.

The nOS ID is live for NEO addresses and has Ethereum support in development.



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