StarkWare Unveils Stwo: A Lightning-Fast Prover for Circle STARK

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  • StarkWare announces the launch of Stwo, a new prover based on zero-knowledge (ZK) technology.
  • Stwo is designed to integrate specifically into Starknet, aiming to reduce latency and transaction costs for end-users.
  • Stwo stands out for being open-source, allowing the community to examine its codebase and contribute to the continuous development of the technology.

StarkWare, a leading firm in developing solutions to enhance efficiency and reduce costs in blockchain networks, has announced the launch of Stwo, a new prover based on zero-knowledge (ZK) technology. This announcement represents a significant advancement in developing innovative solutions to address scalability challenges and associated costs with blockchain transactions.

The Stwo prover, specifically designed for integration into Starknet, StarkWare’s layer-2 network, aims to reduce latency and transaction costs for end-users. By generating faster and more efficient cryptographic proofs, Stwo will optimize the transaction verification process on the network, leading to lower fees and an enhanced user experience.

One of the most notable features of Stwo is its open-source nature. StarkWare has decided to make the prover accessible to anyone interested, enabling the community to examine its codebase and contribute to the continuous development of the technology. This decision reflects their commitment to transparency and collaboration in seeking scalable solutions.

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StarkWare Makes a Significant Contribution to Ethereum Scalability

The implementation of Stwo is expected to have a considerable impact on Ethereum’s scalability. By reducing latency and processing costs on Starknet, Stwo paves the way for wider adoption of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts on the Ethereum network.

Moreover, the launch of Stwo comes at a time of growing interest in zero-knowledge technologies and layer-2 solutions to enhance privacy and efficiency in blockchains. StarkWare is at the forefront of this trend, and Stwo is expected to further drive adoption and innovation based on these powerful tools.



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