Coinbase announces a new payment method though digital gift cards

coinbase announces payments through digital cards
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Coinbase, one of the leading platforms in the purchase / sale sector of cryptocurrencies, has announced on its official blog the launch of a new form of payment through digital gift cards.

From now on, users of Coinbase in the European Union and Australia will have at their disposal this new type of payment, through which they can spend their cryptocurrency balance on electriconic gift cards with which they can make purchases in different places.

This places them in first position in terms of trading platforms that offer these type of services.

“By partnering with WeGift, our customers can now spend their crypto with all their favourite retailers, like Nike, Tesco, Uber, Google Play, Ticketmaster, Zalando, and many more.”, states the Coinbase team.

This service offers extra value to the platform as it brings cryptocurrencies closer to everyday use by their users.

Payment with electronic gift cards is available in the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Australia. On the platform they announce that they will expand the number of retailers and markets where they can use the service soon and are also working to expand to other countries.

payment benefits through wegift

What benefits does this new type of payment bring?

  • Coinbase has a great reputation and experience in the cryptocurrency sector, which will generate confidence on the part of the users when using this new form of payment.
  • This service brings cryptocurrencies closer to becoming another form of payment on a day-to-day basis, which will make more people interested in this new technology.
  • It improves the user experience, as it provides extra value.
  • In addition, customers who use this type of payment will not have commissions and depending on the place of purchase they will reward the buyer with a % of the final purchase.

¿What is WeGift?

WeGift is a Fintech based in London, which was created to make electronic gift cards the best form of payment.

And they do it by developing products that take the most advantage of digital gift cards benefits.

They work with more than 120 brands for which they create new sales channels both online and B2B (Business to business).



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