Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao and Justin Sun supports Twitter user against the controversial Craig Wright

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao and Justin Sun supports Twitter user against the controversial Craig Wright
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Just recently, Binance CEO, Changpeng Zhao, famously known as CZ issued a final warning to Bitcoin SV (Satoshi’s Version) proponents via a tweet. The warning follows Craig Wright’s claim to be the real Satoshi Nakamoto. Craig Wright also happens to be the “main backer’’ towards the split of Bitcoin SV (BSV) from Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

“Craig Wright is not Satoshi. Anymore of this sh!t, we delist!” CZ tweeted in response to a media tweet that ‘An attack against one is an attack against all. #WeAreAllHodlonaut”

#WeAreAllHodlonaut is part of a twitter campaign that aims to debunk the notion that Craig, who most people refer to as Faketoshi, is the real inventor of Bitcoin. According to sources familiar with the news, Craig’s lawyers claimed Hodlonaut had defamed Craig in a series of tweets, labelling him as a scammer and a fraud, and also for using the hashtag #CraigWrightIsAFraud.

CZ’s move is sort of a strike back to Craig Wright’s threat to sue Hodlonaut for doubting his claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto. The legal papers served by Craig warned that ‘he had had enough of Hodlonaut’s targeted campaign to harass and libel him with highly defamatory and abusive tweets.’ Craig even went as far as issuing a $5000 bounty for anyone who gave out information concerning the twitter user’s (Hodlonaut) real identity.

Crypto Twitter participants have gone viral on twitter to show support to Hodlonaut by changing their profile names and pictures to Hodlonaut’s including figures like Justin Sun.

Crypto Twitter participants have gone viral on twitter to show support

About BSV

Bitcoin SV is a fork for Bitcoin Cash that came after the Bitcoin Cash Hash War begun in November last year. Once the Hash War was over, two forks were split from Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin ABC. The two became rival chains that led to a battle for votes. Craig Wright and Calvin Ayre backed Bitcoin SV, whereas Roger Ver and Jihan Wu backed Bitcoin ABC.

Bitcoin SV’s main aim was to fulfil the original visions set out in Bitcoin’s white paper by Satoshi Nakamoto. Actually, Craig believes that, BSV, the 12th largest crypto according to coin market capitalization, is the only crypto in the entire ecosystem that lives up to Satoshi’s original vision.



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