Ashigaru Project Debuts with Fork of Samourai Wallet, Aims to Maximize Privacy and Security

Ashigaru Project Debuts with Fork of Samourai Wallet, Aims to Maximize Privacy and Security
Table of Contents


  • The Ashigaru project was founded following charges against the founders of Samourai Wallet.
  • The aim is to facilitate private online commerce without surveillance or censorship.
  • The name “Ashigaru” symbolizes self-reliance and empowerment.

The Ashigaru Open Source Project was born in a complicated context, marked by the recent charges that the United States Attorney’s Office filed against the founders of Samourai Wallet, a self-managed Bitcoin application.

This event was a hard blow for the community of users and developers who depended on the platform.

As a result, several servers hosting documentation and code repositories were seized or rendered inoperative, leading to a complete halt of software development.

The situation became critical as the founders faced severe restrictions due to the imposed bail conditions.

Faced with this scenario, the objective of the Ashigaru project is focused on restoring access to private and voluntary commerce tools on the Internet.

The organization’s mission is to ensure that anyone can engage in transactions without the threat of tracking, censorship, or surveillance.

To this end, the project is dedicated to developing, releasing, and maintaining open source software that makes use of both active projects and those archived in the public domain.

The philosophy behind this approach is that software should be accessible, non-discriminatory and free of counterparty risk, thus providing the greatest possible protection to users when transacting on a public blockchain.

Ashigaru Project Debuts with a Fork of Samourai Wallet, Aiming to Maximize Privacy and Security

The importance of open communication

The use of open and unrestricted communication networks is essential to ensure that the software remains available and operational.

This allows users to access the tools they need without fear of being tracked or monitored.

Additionally, the nature of open source encourages collaboration and collective development, meaning that users can constantly contribute to and improve the available tools.

The name “Ashigaru” is a tribute to individuals of humble origins who, when faced with adverse situations, have been driven to equip themselves with their own tools to face challenges.

This idea resonates deeply with the spirit of the community supporting the project, reflecting a commitment to self-sufficiency and user empowerment in an ever-changing digital world.

As the Ashigaru Open Source Project moves forward, its focus on privacy and autonomy in online commerce becomes a necessary response to growing concerns about surveillance and control in the digital age.

The initiative not only seeks to restore access to valuable technologies, but also opens the door to a future where online commerce can be truly free and safe for all.


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