Tron’s Sun Network Side Chain Developer Challenge Has Concluded, Next is Coming Soon

Tron’s Sun Network Side Chain Developer Challenge Has Concluded, Next is Coming Soon
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The SUN Network side chain developer challenge, a DApp developing contest held by Tron Network, has now concluded. Over fifty teams form all across the globe comprising developers, technophiles, companies, and organizations from the blockchain industry participated in the contest and 22 DApps stood out.

In a blog post published on Friday, April 17, Tron Foundation said that these 22 dApps paint a bright future of Tron Network. The Foundation is also going held second DApp developing contest soon.

The Tron Foundation announced the SUN Network Developer Challenge on November 15, 2020, inviting talented blockchain developer team or individuals to join and share this top-notch blockchain developing platform to exchange insights and to foster the DApp ecosystem in the blockchain platform and blockchain industry in general. All DApps was to be deployed Tron Foundation announced the prize of 5000, 3000, and 1000 USDT for the first, second, and third positions respectively.

Tron Foundation organized a panel of professional judges to decide on the developed DApps in the contest. The panel has selected 22 winner DApps according to their core operational data such as user volume and trading volume as well as level of completeness and gameplay. But it is not clear whether these 22 DApps will be further evaluated for the top 3 positions as the latest announcement does not talks about the prizes that was announced earlier..

Tron Foundation said:

The success of this Challenge is a testament to the trust community developers and developing teams have in TRON and its sidechain project SUN Network. It also shows the commitment of TRON to fully supporting third-party DApps with its engineering resources for a healthy development of blockchain technology.”

Tron’s Sun Network Side Chain Developer Challenge Has Concluded, Next is Coming Soon

TRON Dapp ecosystem is growing a steady speed. According to TRON weekly Dapp report for week April 11-17, the number of TRON DApps reached 740 with 8 new ones added, signalling a stable development, and key to this growth is SUN Network-powered DAppChain scaling project.

SUN Network is a scaling solution ensuring Tron Mainnet has an unlimited scaling capacity. As Crypto Economy reported, Tron launched SUN Network in August 2019. Beside scaling TRON Network, it also offers other several scaling projects the likes of cross-chain communications, smart contract optimized application side chain and DAppChain.

DAppChain aims to help DApps to operate on TRON with lower energy consumption, faster TPS speed and enhanced safety, providing unlimited capacity for TRON’s main network. According Tron Foundation, DAppChain is now the backbone for its Dapp ecosystem, which has provided support for over 1000 tokens while recording a block height surpassing 5.9 million, a peak real-time TPS hitting 67/s, more than 100,000 daily transactions, over 5 million daily TRX circulation and over 140,000 real-time addresses.

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