Trezor announces that it will soon support CashAddr for Bitcoin Cash

trezor dara soporte a bitcoin cash cashaddr
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Trezor, one of the most used cold wallets by cryptocurrency users, has announced that it will soon support the CashAddr addresses of Bitcoin Cash. After showing a lot of reluctance to this change (last March they said that they might not be able to give this support), it seems that they have decided to do it.

This information was revealed through Twitter on March 31 when Jason Elliott sent a message from his social network account asking about the possible support of CashAddr in Trezor, where Bach Nguyen (Marketing Manager of Trezor) replied that the support for Cashaddr is in the process of developing and also added a github link where one can verify that they are working on it.

In this article we can observe that they been working on this support since March 2018.

What is CashAddr?

CashAddr is a new address format for Bitcoin Cash, whose mission is basically to make a distinction from Bitcoin wallets, because if the “coding” is not differentiated both wallets would be visually the same.

The new addresses of Cashaddr are, in general, compatible with the “old” ones although their developers advise to update them, since the new Wallets are safer and the user experience will improve when everyone uses them.

How do I update my address to CashAddr?

In principle you should not do anything since it is the “providers” of our wallets the ones who should support this change. If your wallet is not updated, the Cashaddr developers team recommends contacting them.

These are some of the wallets, exchanges or services that support CashAddr:

Stash,,,, Electron Cash, Coinomi, HandCash, Hitbtc, Coinbase,, Tipperbot, Open Bazaar, Satoshi Dice, Cryptartica, Coinex, GDAX…

If you are determined to make the change there are conversion tools that allow you to do it manually such as Electron Cash, on the Bitcoin Cash Address Converter website or even with Vanitygen Cash you can create custom portfolios.

“Use these tools at your own risk, Crypto-Economy is not held responsible for the use of them.”

differences between wallets

What is Trezor?

Trezor is a cold wallet (a hardware device that is used for the storage of cryptocurrencies) that allows storing them securely, currently it supports the following cryptocurrencies:

Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Ethereum Classic, Expanse, UBIQ, NEM, Namecoin, Dogecoin and Bitcoin Testnet, además de  Ethereum y sus tokens ERC-20.

Other Cold Wallets

Given the growth of the cryptocurrencies use by its users also increases the need for security, this is why the use of cold wallets is becoming more common. Among the most prominent we can find the following:

Trezor, Ledger, Keep Key or Case are, according to the users, the best options when choosing one of these devices.

It is always advisable to buy them from the official supplier or from a trusted one, since buying them in other places may result in the purchased wallet being tampered with and no longer secure.



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