The NEM foundation funding proposal approved by the community

The NEM foundation funding proposal approved by the community
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As we recently reported, the NEM foundation was conducting some maneuver to keep their project alive and assure his future, the maneuver that fundamentally was a funding proposal finally reached his purpose, being validated by the community.

In the past month, the NEM foundation was announcing a joint statement in collaboration with the NEM lab, this proposal was aiming to give the project a second breath, as the project was running low in the bear tendencies that was hitting the market in the past month.

The startup recently released a note via their website announcing that their proposal has received the green-light by their community, approving their proposal with a large majority of 90.06 % “YES” and 9.94 % of “NO”.

The NEM Foundation also takes advantage of this announcement to make some updates about the project, on its website they announced 7 updates and they appreciate the support to the community in general, as well as to the NEM laboratory.

 NEM foundation

They talked about their new structure, the membership and the structure of the company in general, the note said:

“The transition to the new structure will take time, and a whole change management process will be initiated. We are taking an agile approach to how we manage the funding and will not hire for all positions immediately. We will be prudent and careful in our spending – only hiring what is urgent and essential. Our first step is to hire a ‘transformation team’ which will work on ensuring that standards, processes and policies are in place to initiate the new structure.”

They announced that they will focus all their strength on the development and launch of “Catapult” and also their first decision will be the appointment of Jeff McDonald as the interim Chief Technology Officier.

They also addressed financial issues financial questions and announce that they will have a team of finance professional led by their Chief of Financial Office Cillia Lim who will be working with the executive committee and council into the new structure.

The sixth and last notes announce that they will keep updated the community of their overall activity as they will make a new update twice a month.

They also addressed the financial issues and announced that they will have a team of professionals headed by their Head of the Finance Office, Cillia Lim, who will work with the executive committee and the council in the new structure. And they will keep the community updated of their general activity, since they will update twice a month.



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