The Former CEO of Binance, Changpeng Zhao, Could Face 10 Years in Prison

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The latest developments in the legal case against the former CEO of Binance, Changpeng Zhao, revealed the possibility that Zhao could face a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

The information emerged on November 24 when prosecutors claimed that Zhao voluntarily appeared in the United States to face justice. Although initially believed that the court had no concerns about Zhao regarding the flight risk, the legal filing clarified that “Zhao represented a flight risk that could be managed.” Despite this, he was allowed to remain free until sentencing, conditioned not to return to the United Arab Emirates, considered a “safe haven,” until that time.

The defense argues that Zhao lacks motivation to flee given the prospect of a brief sentence. However, prosecutors point out that the United States is free to argue for a substantially longer sentence, even up to the legal maximum of ten years.

Is the Justice System Proceeding Correctly With Binance and Its Former CEO?

John Reed Stark, former head of the SEC Internet Enforcement Office, warned that Zhao could take various actions to sabotage his plea deal, including refusing to cooperate with justice and violating the conditions of his guilty plea.

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The case against CZ brings to the forefront the debate over the regulatory framework to which exchanges are subject by different governments. Zhao’s alleged involvement in allowing a wide range of illicit activities on the exchange, by not complying with anti-money laundering regulations, was characterized as equivalent to “mass murder and chaos” by some experts.

The blockchain community remains attentive to the developments in the trial against the former leader of Binance. The case has also reignited the debate about fairness in law enforcement, as some community members argue that executives of large banks are not pursued in the same way as Zhao, despite their possible involvement in illicit activities.

Many understand that the government deliberately intensifies legal scrutiny on various cryptocurrency platforms while turning a blind eye when investigating other types of institutions and financial entities, which often exhibit clear and more significant trends of irregularities.



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