Smart Trip: everything you need for your trips in one place

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Many of us like to travel, not to mention everyone. And to travel it is necessary to have a minimum planning, or at least with access to information about places, itineraries, flights, etc. Many times achieving all this implies hours of research and information search, in addition to expenses for transactions in different sites. But what if all this could be achieved in one place, and also with the security of blockchain and in an incentivized environment? about this possibility we will talk in this post, thanks to the Smart Trip platform.

The idea behind the Smart Trip platform is to offer a service for tourists from anywhere in the world that covers everything from booking a flight, to advising you what to do in a certain place and at a given time.

Smart Trip will have its own native token, in order to encourage the use of its platform platform, which will be sold later this year. Users will be able to pay from the platform with Smart Trip tokens, and service providers will receive their payments in fiat money. This will operate through the implementation of smart contracts, for example, the case of a user who has reserved a hotel room; this user makes the payment which is insured in his personal wallet, and once the parties agree that the room service has been effectively taken by this user, the payment is released to the hotel.

To make all this viable, the developers of the platform have achieved that all the necessary tools such as a wallet, a translator and a messaging, are integrated into a single application accessible both from the web, as through mobile devices.

Smart Trip, is currently negotiating with actors in the travel industry, as well as certain financial institutions to make merger viable in a service line, from cryptocurrency to fiduciary currency for payment to service providers. Later, the platform will issue its own debit cards for the native token of the platform, the TASH, with which tourists can pay for any service during their trip. That is the whole idea of ​​the whole concept.

An advantage projected by the developers of the platform is in the space that many suppliers may have to be able to directly interact with their potential clients, and be able to gain visibility in a viable manner, overcoming other more conventional forms of competition that normally saturate large competitors of the industry.

As for the user experience on the platform, it will have a system of users reviews and chat rooms to encourage interactions and people to find their fellow travelers and discover details, and all kinds of useful information about where Go in the place they plan to visit. In addition, chat rooms will be involved in conflict resolution and will allow users to upload useful information to the platform’s knowledge base by feeding it at all times, earning rewards in tokens for their contributions. Users can also create blogs to post notes, photos and short videos to share their travel experience.

To know more details about this interesting project we recommend to check its White Paper, as well as follow them at their Telegram channel.



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