NEM Ventures Announced an Investment in Symbol-Powered SharpShark Startup

NEM Ventures Announced an Investment in Symbol-Powered SharpShark Startup
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Blockchain VC fund NEM Ventures invested in Chilie’s startup named SharpShark. SharpShark uses Symbol platform to offer timestamping solutions as a means to protect copyright licenses. Content creators can protect their contents by using blockchain-based solutions provided by SharpShark and even tokenize or transfer their intellectual properties.

Blockchain Serving Copyright

NEM Ventures decided to invest in SharpShark because of its mission to leverage blockchain to protect content creators. SharpSharl aims to solve multiple challenges in the content world, like plagiarism and copyright infringement. It tries to give the full control over the content to the creators.

SharpShark solution can protect copyright in text and image contents. Timestamping is the fundamental technology in the platform that makes it possible for a variety of users from writers and academics to photographers, artists, and designers.

The new fund from NEM Ventures surely helps the Chilian founders of SharpShark to increase the speed of development and user attraction.

“As long-standing members of the blockchain community, we’ve followed the NEM project for years, and the Symbol blockchain suits perfectly for intellectual property management. Symbol has a layered architecture that enables trustlessness and performance optimization, which was a natural fit for our solution. We’re excited to work with the NEM Ventures team to further develop our product, with the aim of making copyright and intellectual property protection more accessible and equitable,” said Sasha Ivanova, CEO and Co-Founder of SharpShark.


SharpShark tries to focus on three main areas to support content creators. Media, Academia and Content Platforms are the main categories of focus. Writers and journalists in the media industry can use SharpShark to detect plagiarism, prevent copyright infringements and create a portfolio from their intellectual properties.

“Academics have the ability to eliminate academic misconduct and establish a priority of findings. The solution also tracks plagiarism, enabling institutions to track and punish plagiarizers as they deem appropriate,” according to NEM Ventures.

Sasha Ivanova and Valeriia Panina are co-founders at SharpShark. They both have a considerable background in the blockchain industry. They have tested their new startup with the help of Cispen journalists’ union.

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