MediConnect Completes Development of Its Proof-Of-Concept (Poc) Workflow Platform

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Developers from the blockchain space have been after revolutionizing every sector, and for MediConnect completion of its PoC platform marks a significant milestone for the health sector. Through its PoC platform, MediConnect is after enabling stakeholders in the medical industry to track medicine from suppliers to end-users.

However, as development comes to an end, for MediConnect, it is entering the integration phase. The latter stage will involve the onboarding of online pharmacies such as UK Meds pharmacies. The integration period will usher MediConnect into the next step of carrying out a pilot test.

MediConnect to Run Trial of Its Platform in 2020

After successfully integrating the platform, MediConnect will proceed to prepare for the trial run. The test is scheduled to take place in 2020 and will involve 10 participants from the medical sector. The latter will be able to access services available on UK Meds online pharmacy system right at MediConnect platform to test the full functionality of the PoC platform. On the other hand, MediConnect will be tracking medicines from the manufactures to the streets.

MediConnect-POCBesides that, the platform is also in place to manage the issuance of medical prescriptions while preventing misuse. By integrating its PoC platform into one of the largest online pharmacies in the UK that is UK Meds, MediConnect can test the functionality of its platform thoroughly. UK Meds has a user base of over 400,000 and issues 1,000 prescriptions per day.

Apart from the above, MediConnect also has its hands on a similar project in Uganda. In Uganda, MediConnect has partnered with the government to help get rid of counterfeits through blockchain. Together they have integrated a blockchain platform into the country’s supply chain systems to prevent counterfeit drugs from entering into the market.

On the other hand, on the international scene, just recently Nebula Genomics another startup in the blockchain space unveiled anonymous DNS testing services. Nebula Genomics services are based on blockchain technology. Although its services are based on blockchain, to ensure your identity is hidden, Nebula Genomics accepts payments in crypto.

Similarly, in the UAE, the Ministry of Health and Preventing just launched a blockchain-based system to enable easy sharing of healthcare data between medical practitioners. The above projects showcase how developers have set out to digitize the pharmaceutical sector through blockchain technology.



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