IOTA Announced Experience Teams; Group of Community Members Working With IOTA Foundation Throughout Development

IOTA Announced Experience Teams; Group of Community Members Working With IOTA Foundation Throughout Development
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IOTA Foundation announced a new group of community members that will work with the foundation in developing stages. The IOTA Experience Teams is a result of the foundation looking to collaborate as more with community members as possible. They believe collaboration is the fundamental part of any blockchain project, and users or developers have to be able to participate in developing.

“Announcing the #IOTAExperience Teams – groups of dedicated community members that collaborate with us to give #IOTA the best developer experience in the #DLT and #IoT space,” tweeted IOTA Foundation.

Involving Community to Make Better Developer Experience

IOTA Foundation ties its best to grow the community around the project. The Experience Teams is their latest effort to collaborate more with the community members. The foundation believes that this new initiative will “pave the road for IOTA to have the best developer experience in the DLT and IoT space.”

The members of the IOTA Experience Team or X-Team are mostly developers and enthusiasts of the IOTA community. Some of them even have products on the IOTA network. Some others support the community by providing tools, guides, articles, and business cases around IOTA. IOTA Foundation wants to take benefit from the experience and communications of these actors.

iota team

The most active developers and promoters inside the IOTA community can somehow help the foundation in developing new tools and features for IOTA. The foundation describes the activity of X-Team members,

“Every team member works at their own pace and in the context of their interests. They play an essential role in the transition from alpha to production releases, making sure products are easy to use and meet the needs of the broader development community.”

X-Team members can participate in various initiatives and projects in IOTA. They can also recommend programs and plans for the foundation. Over 26 members have so far joined the X-Team, and IOTA Foundation intends to have the first meetings with them. Others interested in collaboration can approve and provide their activity and interest with articles, code samples, PoCs, etc.

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