Everex: making banking accessible to the world with blockchain

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In this wave of ICO’s many interesting blockchain projects have come to light giving without doubt a great value to the universe of this technology and its users. This is the case of a new proposal based on Ethereum in the banking space, Everex which is bringing banking services to more than 2 billion people who do not have a bank account around the world. Everex gives these people the possibility of having access to a mobile portfolio of their platform that basically serves as a bank account with all related services, but without charges for the exchange and mobilization of money. Users will also be able to use the portfolio to obtain microcredits, and microfinance at affordable prices. And everything is backed by blockchain technology, with the transparency that characterizes it.

Everex considers financial inclusion as part of its mission. The company seeks to provide remittance, microfinance, and fiduciary currency exchange services through blockchain to the unbanked world population.

Certainly many people around the world, especially migrant workers, want a way to send money home. The problem is that the fees are scandalous and make it totally unaffordable for the people who need it most. Everex allows them to send it free anywhere in the world without the astronomical commission percentage based on the market price structures.

Another interesting feature of Everex is microcredit backed by blockchain conditions. These are 100% backed by Ethereum and its base currencies. This concept interrupts the credit system and allows the loan to occur at all times based on and supported by cryptoconversion.


The best use for blockchain technology so far and the place of the biggest breakthrough is in the banking industry. The banking system is outdated and slow. Blockchain technology and startups based on it are giving the banking system a much needed review.

At the time of writing this note Everex in its ICO has been raising more than $ 6 million in Ethereum (approximately 27,000 Ethereum).

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