Ethereum [ETH] DevCon Team Announces DevCon IV Sponsors and Supporters

Ethereum [ETH] DevCon Team Announces DevCon IV Sponsors and Supporters
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The DevCon team behind the Ethereum developers’ conference slated to take place later this year has announced the sponsors of the event on the Ethereum blog.

The sponsorship was divided into six categories or tiers and the sponsors were slotted into these tiers. This year saw the introduction of a new kind of sponsorship tier that will support and nurture talent within the blockchain ecosystem. This is the scholarships and grants category. Over seventy sponsors are behind this year event.

The list of sponsors is listed below and is grouped according to the categories that they were released by the DevCon team.

DevCon Premier Sponsors Category:

Tier 1 Serenity: AdEx, Blockchain Asset Ventures, Blockchains LLC, Blockfolio, Colony, ConsenSys, OmiseGO, Sparkpool, and Status.

Tier 2Metropolis: Celer Network, Kyber Network, imToken, Santiment, and ShapeShift.

Tier 3Homestead: Ernst & Young, FunFair, Golem, Microsoft, MyEtherWallet, SingularDTV, and Wanxiang Blockchain Labs.

Tier 4Frontier: Cosmos,, Energy Web Foundation, Ethereum Community Fund, Global Brain, MakerDAO, Harbor,, Indorse, NuCypher, Santander, Totle, windingtree, and Zeppelin.

The first four tiers make up the first category while the next two tiers each include two different categories. The first one is the newly introduced scholarships and grants category with its similarly named tier and the last category is the Olympic category.

The sponsors under the Olympic category were responsible for supporting the developers with limited resources such as non-governmental organizations that were supporting the development of the Ethereum ecosystem. Starting with the first category the sponsors include the following:

Tier 5Scholarship and Grant Supporters:, Mainframe, ORBS, Paradigm Capital, Quorum, Rockaway Capital, and Starbase.

Tier 6Olympic Sponsors: Artos Systems, Asseth, b9lab, Bee Token,, Chronologic, CoinFabrik, Cryptium Labs, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, UG, Etherisc, Festy, Fluence Labs, Giveth, JOYSO, Melonport, Midas Social, Multichain Asset Managers Association,, Next Big Thing, PegaSys, Propy Inc., Rtrade Technologies, Runtime Verification, Trustlines, Wolk, Zinc.



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