Ethereum [ETH] Creator Vitalik Buterin Declares His Wealth

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Cryptocurrency wunderkind and Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin has finally revealed his cryptocurrency investment portfolio and it may not surprise you that much. Subscribing to the age-old investment advice of ‘not putting all his eggs in one basket’, Buterin has diversified his portfolio for a worst-case scenario.

His revelations prove that he is not an Ethereum maximalist but rather a cryptocurrency maximalist. In his bag of stash he holds a majority of it in Ethereum (obviously) but also he holds Ethereum tokens denominated in Kyber Network (KNC), Maker (MKR), OmiseGO (OMG), and Augur (REP). In aggregate, these tokens make up <10% of his ETH holdings. In addition, he has in his private wallets BCH, BTC, DOGE, ZEC all these totaling about <$5 million (which is also less than 10% of the ETH holdings)

Vitalik buterinRevealing his information in a Tuesday AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit he said that he holds roughly about 350,000 ETH coins valued at about $51 million currently.

His response was in regards to a community member who was venting his anger at the recent social media acquittal of one of the leaders in the Ethereum camp over conflict of interest claims. Buterin may have felt obliged to come clear of his investments to calm other community members.

The user’s complaint was as quoted:

“Regardless of whether the initial concerns had merit, the response to them is irresponsible — especially considering a huge fork is less than two weeks away. The decision of the Parity release manager to wipe his Twitter account and go dark 11 days before the Constantinople fork is a bad one. It’s a bad look for Parity, and it’s a bad look for Ethereum.”

The said Parity release manager is Afri Shoedon and he was in charge of coordinating the upcoming Constantinople hard fork.

Further details from Buterin show that he receives a salary from the Ethereum Foundation and may be on the payroll of some projects affiliated to Ethereum for rolls played in an advisory capacity.

In addition, he has financial interests in London-based FinTech Clearmatics and a major angel investor alongside Naval Ravikant in Starkware, a blockchain company that seeks to help build industrial blockchain applications.

Two other core Ethereum developers revealed their portfolio compositions with Justin Drake admitting to holding more than 99% of his portfolio in Ethereum coins and Martin Swende holding as much as 95% in ETH.



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