Bitcoin price reaches historic high of $ 3490

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The rise in prices of Bitcoin is still a matter of speculation and projections many of which we will see take place in the coming weeks. BTC-USD has broken to a high on August 7 despite the bifurcation of Bitcoin Cash on August 1. The price hit a high of $ 3490.00 on Bitstamp on August 7, breaking the all-time high above $ 2980.00 in June, boosted by several factors such as the deterioration of confidence in the US dollar, and the anticipation of a smoother roadmap for Bitcoin.


Experts  in the exchange market ensures that the bullish trend in the bitcoin price points to $ 3622.74 and even to $ 4730.74. Everything indicates that a large influx of bullish momentum is about to take force in the market. It is expected that over the course of this week the upward momentum will intensify.

Despite the upward trends, it is important to watch everything with caution and in a general context. There are events in the world that can influence the behavior of these prices taking advantage of these opportunities to pay in the field of speculation.

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