An Unknown Parachain Wins the 27th Kusama Parachain Auction Without Crowdloan

An Unknown Parachain Wins the 27th Kusama Parachain Auction Without Crowdloan
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Parachain auctions for Polkadot’s canary chain Kusama are going smoothly and for the first time, an unknown parachain wins the 27th parachain auction even without a crowdloan.

The official Twitter channel of Kusama announced on Tuesday, March 8th, that for the first time, an unknown parachain project that even not launched its crowdloan, has won the 27th parachain auction. The parachain, given the name of ParachainX by the Kusama team, will now be connected to its slot as the 29th parachain at the start of lease 20 on April 6, 2022.

The announcement reads:

“For the first time in Kusama’s history, an unknown parachain has won an auction. It is also the first time an auction has been won without a crowdloan.

Welcome to the soɐɥɔ.

ParachainX will be onboarded as my 29th parachain, approx. April 6th, at the start of lease period 20.”

The 27th Kusama Parachain Auction

The 27th parachain slot auction commenced on February 27th and was concluded on March 6th. According to CoinMarketCap’s tracking, three unknown parachain projects competed in the auction. The winning parachain bided 10,000 KSM tokens for the 29th slot. The other two projects only bided 8,600 and 5,002 KSM tokens.

Not many details about ParachainX are available. It did not launch a crowdloan which means the project has no contribution from KSM holders. ParachainX will now be connected to its respective slot on April 6th for the next 48 weeks for the period April 6th, 2022, to March 15th, 2023.


It will be the 29th parachain on Kusama as apart from 27 auction-winning parachains, there is one experimental chain called Statemine and as reported, a common-good parachain Encointer. With the conclusion of the 27th auction, the 28th auction for the 30th parachain slot has also commenced.

Polkadot Parachain Auctions

Parachain slot auctions for the main Polkadot are also cruising along smoothly. Currently, the 11th auction is well underway that started on March 3rd and will conclude on March 10th. The Polkadot Network is currently conducting auctions for the second batch of parachains.

The ongoing 11th auction is the sixth and last for the second batch. Once ends, all 6 auction-winning parachain will be connected to Polkadot Relay Chain on March 11th for the period March 11th, 2022 to January 12th, 2024 (96 weeks).

There is room for 100 parachains on Polkadot and Kusama. Therefore, teams behind parachain projects have to outbid each other in the auction to win a slot.



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