IOTA Published Research Status Update for July

IOTA Published a New Pollen Testnet Release Note
Table of Contents

IOTA monthly report on research status is ready. The report consists of the latest achievements in reasearch laboratories if IOTA. Lots of them focus on the most significant milestone for the network, which is fully decentralized IOTA. Launching Pollen testnet is one of the essential achievements for IOTA Research that is a step toward post-Coordicide IOTA.

Pollen testnet is the first testnet in IOTA based on GoShimmer v0.2.0. IOTA focuses on this achievement as the biggest one in July 2020. “We count roughly 60,000 additions and 25,000 deletions to the codebase,” according to the IOTA blog post. Some of the new features in Pollen focus on Fast Probabilistic Consensus (FPC), Value Transactions, Tokenized Assets, Prometheus and Grafana integration, and Feeless dApps.

The members of the IOTA community collaborate in considerable levels in research processes. Testers take the responsibility to analyze the new features in testnets and during the research procedure.

There are multiple research groups active in IOTA. Each of them focuses on some of the aspects of the network. Mana and Autopeering group is one of them that has been successful in achieving the milestones in July.

“The mana specification has been revised and will be finalized by the next monthly update. We actually have two variants on how to do mana, and because of the modular nature of the protocol, either one would work. Thus we can leave the final decision about the final mana till later” according to IOTA.

pollen nectar and honey

Networking group in the IOTA’s research laboratory focused on the specifications for rate and congestion control in July. The preliminary document, including implementation details for these documents, is ready now. The group also started studying global adaptive throughput.

The other research group in IOTA is called dRing that has been busy writing peer-reviewed academic papers. These papers summarize the IOTA research results. Protocol and Specifications groups are two of the others that were busy developing other specifications of the IOTA network – the full report is available on IOTA blog.

“These specifications are the blueprints from which the engineering department will build the node software. Thus upon completing these specifications, research will transfer the Coordicide project to engineering for production” according to IOTA.

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