VPE Bank expands its business to trade with cryptocurrencies

Vpe bank the first German bank that trades with cryptocurrencies
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The VPE Bank based in Germany, has announced that it will be the first German bank that deals with cryptocurrencies, this service will be aimed at institutional and professional clients.

Katharina Strenski, public relations manager at VPE. He said through a press release from PRNewswire last April 25:

“Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and others have become a promising asset class in recent years.” To date, the exchange of digital tokens has been restricted to encryption exchanges and online markets. the first German bank to offer our clients’ cryptocurrency services “.

VPE Bank offers a safe and regulated cryptocurrency negotiation service, has the best technology and a license from the German financial regulator BaFin (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht).

In addition to security they provide extensive experience and compliance with KYC (Know Your Customer) or Meet your customer and AML (Anti-Money-Laundering) or Anti money laundering.

“Until now, institutional investors have faced high entry barriers to the encryption trade, and our cryptocurrency trading services offer a much more convenient alternative,” said Katharina.

This service has been developed in conjunction with SolarisBank (a technology company with a banking license) that will be in charge of the custody of virtual commerce accounts with VPE cryptocurrencies.

Alemania vpe bank cryptocurrencies

VPE Bank

VPE WertpapierhandelsBank was founded in 1989 and is headquartered in Germany and is a securities trading bank.


  • Investment banking: Where they help to find alternative sources of liquidity.
  • Private banking: The solution to implement your investment objectives
  • Family office: Specific solutions for each generation.
  • Crypto-trading: The first bank in Germany to operate with cryptocurrencies.


  • Asset management: Identification of global investment opportunities, the development of a profile-oriented strategy and investment decision.
  • Online commerce: Where they give access to all the financial centers of the world.
  • Advice solutions: Where the risk profile of your clients is evaluated before offering investment advice.

Solaris bank association with vpe bank

Solaris Bank

Solaris Bank, founded in March 2016 by Andreas Bittner and Marko Wenthin and Headquarters in Germany, is defined as a fully digital banking platform through which other companies can connect to offer financial services, where they can also create their own banking products modern and scalable, enabling the future of financial services today.

It has investors such as: Arvato, BBVA, Visa, Abn-Amro, Lake Star or Sbi Group.



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