Vitalik Buterin Blasts Crypto Regulation as “Anarcho-Tyranny” in New Post

Vitalik Buterin Proposes Improvements for Faster Ethereum Transaction Confirmations
Table of Contents


  • SSF Mechanism: Vitalik Buterin introduces the “SSF” (Slot-Slot-Finality) mechanism, inspired by Tendermint consensus. It aims to terminate blocks faster, reducing confirmation times. The “inactive leakage” feature enhances network stability during low activity.
  • Crypto Regulation Concerns: Buterin criticizes the crypto regulatory climate, calling it “anarcho-tyranny.” He supports honest founders facing accusations related to unregistered “securities.” His financial contribution aids Tornado Cash developers in their legal battle.
  • Evolving Ethereum: Innovations like SSF and ongoing adaptation are crucial for Ethereum’s success amid growing competition from other blockchains.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has recently published an article titled “Ways to Deliver Faster Transaction Confirmation Times to Ethereum Users.” In this piece, Buterin discusses potential enhancements to Ethereum’s consensus mechanism, aiming to significantly reduce transaction confirmation times.

Currently, Ethereum relies on the Gasper consensus mechanism, which operates on a slot-and-epoch architecture. While effective, this system is known for its complexity and relatively long final approval time—approximately 12.8 minutes. For users seeking faster transaction confirmations, this delay can be a drawback.

Introducing the SSF Mechanism

Buterin proposes a new approach called the “SSF” (Slot-Slot-Finality) mechanism, drawing inspiration from the Tendermint consensus algorithm. The SSF mechanism aims to terminate a block before the next one is created, thereby reducing termination confirmation time.

By providing faster transaction verification, SSF could significantly enhance user experience. One notable feature of SSF is its “inactive leakage” mechanism.

This component addresses concerns related to network stability and security during periods of inactivity or low participation. By ensuring stable operation and recovery capability, SSF aims to improve overall network efficiency.

If implemented, the SSF mechanism could make Ethereum more competitive with other blockchain platforms that offer faster settlement times. Developers and users alike would benefit from improved efficiency. However, Buterin’s proposal is likely to spark controversy within the Ethereum community and among blockchain developers.

Vitalik Buterin Proposes Improvements for Faster Ethereum Transaction Confirmations

Vitalik Buterin’s Take on Crypto Regulation

In a separate post on the decentralized social network Warpcast, Vitalik Buterin expresses concern about the crypto regulatory climate. He describes it as turning into an “anarcho-tyranny” that is unfavorable for the industry.

Buterin’s main concern is the way regulators classify crypto projects. He argues that projects with vague promises of future returns escape scrutiny, while those with transparent business models risk being labeled as unregistered securities.

This, according to Buterin, creates a perverse incentive. Projects offering little value proposition face no repercussions, while those striving for legitimacy get caught in regulatory crosshairs.

Buterin also brings attention to the unjust treatment of honest founders who are accused of dealing with unregistered “securities” by regulators. He has also made a significant financial contribution to aid the legal fight of Tornado Cash developers Alexey Pertsev and Roman Storm.

Tornado Cash, an Ethereum-based coin mixing service facilitating anonymous crypto transactions, faced US sanctions in 2022 due to allegations of laundering illicit funds and posing a threat to national security.

As Ethereum continues to evolve, innovations like the SSF mechanism and ongoing adaptation will be crucial for maintaining its success in the ever-expanding blockchain space.


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