Trivver: extended reality advertising environment powered by blockchain

Trivver: extended reality advertising environment powered by blockchain
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The advent of blockchain technology has led to an awakening of unlimited possibilities that have been combined with other emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things and virtual reality. The projects based on these conjunctions are being very promising and in the short term we will see how their impact will be decisive for the solutions that we will know in less than ten years. This time we will talk about the conjunction of a blockchain platform and extended reality applied to advertising, creating with this a unique platform and undeniable innovation: Trivver.

Trivver presents itself to us as an integral advertising platform in extended reality –XR -, based on a set of proprietary technologies that will accelerate the adoption, commercialization and monetization of extended reality technologies in devices and industries for all parties interested in the advertising business, including publishers , brands, agencies and consumers.

The conception of Trivver is to bring immersive technologies to an activity that will benefit in an integral way from the experience of all its actors, starting with consumers, and covering brands, publishers and agencies alike. Immersive technologies allow to develop and create endless ways for content creators to combine physical and digital world, and also open an exceptional possibility for brands and consumers to interact and conduct business in the context of experimenting in an extended reality environment.

Trivver’s platform and technologies are based on the idea of ​​making immersive technologies an opportunity to create unique experiences of extended reality for brands, advertisers and consumers, taking the consumer’s experience to a level that has never been seen before.

Among the Trivver technologies we can mention:

  • Trivver XR Ad Exchange (XRAE), which is a programmatic solution that allows any advertising agency, network or advertiser to create, execute and supervise a highly targeted advertising campaign in almost real time, in any extended reality environment, and that has mobile and desktop applications.
  • Trivver’s XRAE, which combines leads advertisers to 3D environments based on brand-specific segmentation specifications, with appropriate locations within extended-reality environments. The powerful features of Trivver XRAE – Branded Smart Objects, Trivver Data Engine and Trivver Smart Tab – are designed to protect brand security, help prevent advertising fraud and provide an integrated advertising experience for users within extended reality environments.

We could not fail to mention the patented Trivver Smart Brand Objects (BSO). These are 3D objects that can be delivered to exist within the native configuration of digital environments and are created with Trivver’s 3D Asset Editor, making it easier for content creators to develop their ideas, in which the result is an experience highly organic and contextual for the user, which reduces pop-up windows, interstitials or uncomfortable banners.

The Trivver Smart Tab is the resource for the users where they can interact directly with a BSO and obtain product information, a description of the product or service, including obtaining a discount coupon or access to a special offer and having a link to perform a direct purchase of said product.

Trivver intends to take advantage of blockchain key business strategies in its conception. These strategies will include micro transactions, user participation score (UES) and mechanisms to deliver value to platform participants for their contributions, through tokens. Trivver has planned to use Trivver Token (TRVR) to encourage users to interact with BSOs. On the other hand, the Trivver Token (TRVR) is the currency of the Smart Object Economy, in which developers will be rewarded for creating generic intelligent objects (GSO) for the Smart Objects Catalog of the platform, also obtaining royalties for each use of those smart objects. Payments, rights and registration of transactions, including copyright and royalty payments from developers will be recorded and managed in blockchain.

Currently Trivver is in its public sale of tokens, which we recommend to know and take advantage of it. To learn more about this interesting and promising platform, we suggest checking its White Paper, as well as joining at their Telegram channel to be updated on news.



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