Tezsure Published Information About the First Tezster Bundle with React for Tezos

Tezsure Published Information About the First Tezster Bundle with React for Tezos
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Tezster bundles are developing tools for easier dApp development inside the Tezos network. They operate like Truffle Boxes of Ethereum.

Tezsure, an insurance project on Tezos, published details about the first front-end Tezster with React. The team also develops tools for more natural development inside the Tezos network. The new post details the procedure setting up and running the bundle.

“Ethereum has Truffle Boxes, but #Tezos has Tezster Bundles! We are happy to share the first bundle with you. This first one is a React bundle, born out of a need from the developer community,” tweeted Tezsure.

Tezster is toolboxes for developers to connect with smart contracts and dApps on Tezos from a local sandbox or remote testnet. So we can consider it like Ganache on Ethereum. It has an npm package tool named Tezster-CLI that helps developers interact with local nodes and remote testnet nodes. They can also deploy or call smart contracts using this tool.

Tezster Bundles inside Tezster are examples of Tezos applications. Each bundle includes SmrtPy contracts, a Keystore manager, and deployment features. So the developer can compile smart contracts and deploy it locally using these tools. SmartPyBasic does the local compiling job.

Bundles are useful tools for newcomers inside the Tezos community. They don’t need to search for tools and ways to combine them.

“This gives new developers all the time and focuses to build awesome Tezos applications,” claims Tezsure.

The first front-end Tezster Bundle is built with the React library of JavaScript. Developers can use it by cloning the repository from Github and start developing smart contracts for Tezos blockchain. Setting up and running steps are published by the Tezsure developing team. Besides, there is React Ready front-end inside the published package.

The steps include installing the repository, programming the smart contract using SmartPy, configuring the config.json file, compiling the contract, etc. The developer can interact with the smart contract using nodes like the Conseil node inside the Tezos network using the ConseilJS library. This node provides API for calling the smart contracts.

Providing development tools is essential for any blockchain project. Each project needs more developers to build useful products on the network and attract as many users as possible. Undoubtedly, the Tezos community knows this fact and is trying hard to grow its developer-base in competition with big players like Ethereum.

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