Restaking Protocol Sees $1 Billion Surge in ETH Deposits Amid Spot ETF Buzz

Restaking Protocol Sees $1 Billion Surge in ETH Deposits Amid Spot ETF Buzz
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  • Restaking protocol has seen notable growth in recent days, reaching a total value locked (TVL) of $5.501 billion.
  • More than 270,000 ether, approximately $995 million, have been deposited in the last ten days, driving its TVL to an all-time high.
  • Anticipation over the approval of an ether exchange-traded fund (ETF) in the United States has led to an increase in activity on and the price of ether.

Restaking protocol has seen a substantial increase in the amount of ether deposited, reaching a TVL of $5.501 billion, according to tracker DeFiLlama.

This growth has been driven by a steady flow of deposits, with over 270,000 ether, equivalent to approximately $995 million, deposited on in the last ten days.

This increase in activity has coincided with a rally in the price of ether, fueled by expectations of the approval of an ether ETF in the United States.

Restaking, a strategy used by traders to earn additional returns on ether already locked on the Ethereum blockchain, is a prominent feature of

Currently, offers a 3.48% annual return, with an additional 15.1% return available through its liquid vault product.

This option has become attractive to investors seeking exposure to the Ethereum ecosystem while speculating on the possible integration of staking into ETF products.

Mike Silagadze, CEO of, expressed confidence in the eventual implementation of staking and restaking within ether ETFs, highlighting that it is “just a matter of time.”

Silagadze emphasized the potential for ETFs to incorporate staking infrastructure that meets regulatory requirements, thereby providing shareholders with a reliable return.

The approval of ether ETFs by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) would not only facilitate a change in the narrative, but would also increase awareness of Ethereum and smart contracts among a broader public.

This increased awareness could attract more sophisticated investors to the Ethereum ecosystem. Restaking Protocol Experiences $1 Billion Increase

Future prospects of

As continues to attract more attention and funds, the platform is expected to continue growing in terms of value locked and activity.

The impact of the possible approval of ether ETFs in the United States will also be a key factor to watch in the near future.

Investors and analysts will be attentive to any regulatory developments and their impact on the cryptocurrency market.

In this regard,’s ability to adapt to regulatory changes and maintain its attractiveness to investors will be critical to its continued success in the DeFi space.


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