Kusama: Third-Batch for 24 Parachains Has Commenced

An Unknown Parachain Wins the 27th Kusama Parachain Auction Without Crowdloan
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Kusama auctions for the third batch of 24 parachains has commenced on Monday, October 25, after two days of delay.

Kusama’s official Twitter channel announced the news on Monday, October 25. In this third batch, 24 auctions will be held with a new auction beginning weekly after the previous auction ends, and the winner will be onboarded at once at the start of a lease period.

Kusama announced:

“The next batch of 24 auctions has officially opened on yours truly. Each auction will last 7 days, with a new auction beginning weekly after the previous auction ends.”

As Crypto Economy reported, the third batch of Kusama parachain auctions was scheduled to commence on Saturday, October 23, 2021. But the schedule was changed due to some issues. The new schedule has also made some changes to the previously announced schedule.


In the previous schedule announced the in motion 377, 48 continuous auctions were to be held. Motion 377 passed by the Kusama Council proposed that the next 48 Kusama parachain auctions would be conducted continuously on weekly basis for the next 48 weeks. The 12th auction was to start on Saturday, October 23rd, at a block height of 9,777,777.

However, on Friday, October 21, it was announced the Kusama Council had found some miscalculations on motion 377 and, therefore, it was canceled. The announcement said:

“PSA: The @kusamanetwork Council found a miscalculation on motion 377 which would make auctions run for longer than what was originally planned on the proposal. Therefore, Council has canceled the schedule.”

The next motion 381 was failed to execute. So another motion 384 was proposed that was approved by the Kusama Council. This delayed the start of the third batch until Monday, October 25, at the block height of 9,806,873.

In the new schedule, 24 auctions will be held. Each will auction will last for a week, a new auction beginning weekly after the previous auction ends. Winning parachains will be connected to their slots at once at the start of a lease period. There will be 5 lease periods during the third batch.

Since the lease 16 period has already started, the first 4 winning parachains will be onboarded at the start of lease period 17. In the next four periods, 5 parachains in each period will be connected to Kusama. This means after the first 4 four, the next five will be onboarded at the start of lease 18. This will go on as:



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