IOTA Research Published Status Update for October 2020

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The latest update from IOTA Research is now published and includes achievements from various groups in IOTA. Pollen testnet was one of the most critical areas of research and developments inside IOTA research. The other fields were network and sharding. The team will also hold an AMA meeting on October 14th to answer questions about Coordicice protocol.

Pollen Testnet Getting Ready

Cleaning the GoShimmer codebase for Pollen testnet was one of the development progresses in October.

“We are taking a similar approach to the Hornet team by flattening the packages structure. It will be beneficial for the development progress and increase consistency between the two projects. We have added a new section on our wiki to describe our approach to error handling,” according to the blog post by IOTA Research.

The development teams in IOTA have been busy adding two new RFCs to the system. The latest developments are still in draft but will eventually define the process to reach consensus on timestamps. Besides, they will optimize conflict resolution via writing FPC opinions into the Tangle.


Studying the ongoing Pollen testnet is a very crucial process for IOTA Research. They have started analyzing the testnet in parallel with adding more Coordicide modules to it.

“Coordicide involves many modules that we developed and studied on paper and validated through simulation studies as stand-alone modules. The time has come to see all these different modules interlock and come to life as a whole.”

The protocol group inside IOTA has been busy this month, too. Working on Nodes and the tools they need to connect was one of their main tasks. The team also worked on Tip Selection Algorithms and their behaviors in new nodes in IOTA 2.0.

“Next month, we plan to finish the mathematical investigation of TSA and incorporate our conclusions into the relevant specifications,” according to IOTA.

Networking was the final field of research and development that IOTA Research pointed on in the latest update. The team has analyzed attack scenarios in the new network to check the security levels. IOTA team is working on a new dRNG system to use it as a second source of randomness that increases safety in the network.

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