IOTA Joins Dig_it; a Step Toward Sustainable Mining of the Future

IOTA Joins Dig_it; a Step Toward Sustainable Mining of the Future
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IOTA announced a new partnership with another research and development project funded by the EU commission. IOTA now is a partner in Dig_it that focuses on sustainability in mining. IOTA Foundation has had other similar partnerships before, all of which focused on enabling the research projects to use IOTA capabilities and solve their ongoing challenges.

Blockchain Joins Sustainability Projects

Dig_it is a collaborative project funded by EU Horizon 2020. IOTA was awarded a grant to join this project earlier this year. The project has 16 partners around Europe.

“Over a period of 48 months, the Dig_it consortium will leverage 7 Million EUR of funding to digitize the mine supply chain (gold, copper, charcoal) and to create a more sustainable mining industry,” according to IOTA.

ITAINNOVA, a Spanish research and development organization with technology and mining sector partners, coordinates the Dig_it project.


Numerous technology partners are working in the Dig_it project. Brunel University, Core Innovation, Tau, Rotech technology, LIBRA AI, ICCS Research, EUROCORE, STRATAGEM, Libra, SINTEF Molab, and SINTEF Helg & Schneider Electric are some of them. IOTA will work as the only technology partner providing DLT technology for data sharing.

Dig_it aims to improve the health and safety of the workers. Besides, the partners try to lessen the impact of the mining industry on the environment. The goal can be achieved by using technologies like blockchain and IoT industrial platforms to collect and analyze data from mining facilities and supply chains.

“The data leveraged will include data from people, workers, and new smart garments with embedded sensors. This data will be enriched with data from monitored machines, vehicles, and tools involved in the mine operations, environment conditions, and data from the ground, market data all combined to gain more knowledge from the industry so far very little digitized,” according to IOTA.

The current public opinion about the mining industry considers little reputation for that, because of environmental impacts. The Dig_it project tries to change that mindset by providing part of the collected data to the public. The shared data shows the results of Dig_it project like the reduction of CO2 production, water consumption, and waste production to the public.

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