IOTA Foundation Published Research Grant Report for Cellular Automata and Autopeering Optimization

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IOTA Foundation published the first report on a research grant study. The grant was announced in November 2020, and the first results from the grantees are now ready for the public.

The study focused on Cellular Automata and Autopeering Optimization. IOTA Foundation believes these kinds of researches help them find new opportunities for the growth of IOTA easier. The results help the community find the best features needed for Coordicide, the next version of the IOTA blockchain.

Looking Forward to Better Development on IOTA

Research and development is a vital action in blockchain technologies. These technologies try to tackle real-world problems and help a vast majority of people. These actions need research to find the best features that help as many people as possible.

IOTA is on a path to revolutionize its blockchain and features. New opportunities may emerge for both developers and end-users on this blockchain. But all of these efforts need consistent research. IOTA Foundation has decided to grant research teams to find more contributions from community memebrs. One of the researches is now finished and the first results are available for the public.

The latest research project on IOTA blockchain was about analyzing “the impact of graph configurations on reaching consensus for the CA algorithm”, according to IOTA Foundation.


The main goal of this research was to find the best combination for consensus in the Tangle, IOTA’s fundamental product. The announcement post describes the steps in the research as below:

“To do so, within the project we analyzed the structural properties of graphs generated by the ar-row and salt-based autopeering methods, i.e. the methods for establishing links between IOTA nodes. Secondly, we moved towards studying the impact of graph configurations, specifically regarding how the cellular automata-based consensus reaches stability and, if not, how to overcome these situations.”

The two steps mentioned above resulted in a new offering for modifications to the voting system in IOTA. The ultimate result of research provides improvements and suggestions in three areas in the IOTA blockchain. Autopeering algorithms, cellular automata consensus, and improved CA with zero temperature have been studied and researched in the latest grant research. According to the research results, CA with zero temperature still needs more study. The initial results weren’t good enough.

IOTA is on the path toward a very important upgrade. The blockchain will experience many changes in the coming weeks and get ready for the whole new IOTA, named Coordicide. Researches like the latest grant research help the community find the best path toward improvement and feature development.

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