IOTA Foundation is Now a Member of the Gaia-X Community

IOTA Foundation is Now a Member of the Gaia-X Community
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IOTA Foundation announced joining the Gaia-X community with a focus on creating new data infrastructures in Europe. The community plans to build a federated infrastructure for hosting the next generation of services and data in the region.

Joining this community can mean a lot for the IOTA Foundation in the path of finding new users and branding the blockchain technology among tech groups. Lots of organizations from various sectors are members of this community. IOTA Foundation can help them build a robust infrastructure for hosting the data and services.

Blockchain Helping the Data Industry

One of the most active blockchains in the data management and storing sector is IOTA. The blockchain is designed for managing the IoT data transactions but is focusing on other parts of the technology to broaden its services.

IOTA Foundation, the biggest organization behind the blockchain, tries its best to show the capabilities of this blockchain in all sectors of the new world. The foundation participates with numerous organizations and communities around the world to help them leverage blockchain products in their systems. It shows the capabilities of the technology to more people and decision-makers worldwide.

Gaia-X is the latest community that IOTA Foundation has joined. The community focuses on better use of data in Europe and other regions. Many companies, research institutions, and the European public sector are members of the Gaia-X community. 

Adding the IOTA Foundation to the Gaia-X can help this community grow faster. Christoph Strnadl, VP Innovation & Architecture, Software AG, says about the new member:

“The IOTA Foundation’s deep understanding of cutting-edge topics such as DLT and digital identity, paired with our long-standing expertise in enterprise integration and IoT platform provision across the whole cloud-to-edge continuum, will be key to translating the ambitious high-level business requirements of Gaia-X into concrete technical solutions.”

IOTA Foundation has joined the Gaia-X community for many reasons. One of them is that the foundation and the IOTA blockchain community now have a shared goal with this community in enabling sovereign, secure, and privacy-enhancing data exchange.

IOTA Identity and Streams are two products in the IOTA blockchain that are specifically developed for this goal. Another reason is that the IOTA foundation builds open-source technology, and Gaia-X embraces this type of tech product, too.

The most important factor in the partnership between the IOTA Foundation and Gaia-X can be the decentralization goal. They both want to build a decentralized infrastructure for data exchanges.

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