DNS attacks and cryptocurrencies: How to protect ourselves

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The prevention of any kind of computer damage is a key issue when considering the safety of our cryptoactives. The manifestation ways of DNS attacks are quite varied and all are directed against the domain name system that connects the internet.

In the aftermath of the recent DNS attack where a number of major websites such as Myetherwallet and Cloudflare were affected, according to the report ” BGP leaks and cryptocurrencies ” the possible reasons why the attack occurred are examined, and the way in which the attackers managed to find the vulnerable part in the DNS system.

It is important to familiarize yourself with this type of situation in order to understand, at least in the most basic aspects, how to prevent uncomfortable situations that could lead to the loss of our cryptoactives.

With an availability of more than 700,000 possible routes, there are almost endless ways to get from one point to another. Mostly, all these chains are operated by different Internet providers and the communication between them is quite efficient, but there are times when things do not go as well as expected. Generally the leaks are located and come as a result of an error in the configuration.

Anyone who establishes a connection to a DNS resolution that has been attacked, during the attack, would have been redirected to a provider of unknown origin, considered fraudulent.

How to detect DNS attacks

How to detect DNS attacks?

The good news is that, in most cases, the identification of the signs of BGP hijacking does not require a master’s degree in Internet protocol architecture. BGP is the Border Gateway Protocol, a standardized gateway for routing information from one part of the Internet to another. It should be green, to indicate that the certificate for the website you are accessing is trusted. Due to the fatigue of notifications, it is easy to dismiss warning messages without paying attention, but not all notifications are spam: some are vital and should be voided at your own risk.

The only way to guarantee that the cryptocurrency is correctly encrypted is by storing it in a secure hardware wallet that is not connected to the Internet.

When the user accesses the various wallets and online exchanges, he should try to verify that the http block is in his respective site. If you suspect that something is wrong, you should pay attention to the warning signs and not go ahead to avoid a possible attack.

The most important thing to understand these things, is to try to raise our attention capacity when entering the places where we have our wallets, or where we will make any type of transaction that merits access to our wallets. This is a behavior that goes hand in hand with the attitude of common sense that we must have at all times. Preventing is a matter of our exclusive responsibility, and protecting our cryptoactive merits it.



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