Director of Tendermint Labs Zaki Manian Steps Down From His Role Amid Internal Fights

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Zaki Manian, director of Tendermint, also called All in Bits Inc, the firm behind the development of the Cosmos blockchain, has resigned from his role due to internal disputes with the CEO of the company.

According to news source, the resign came to due to internal fights which became public in the start of this month when Manian took to Twitter revealing mismanagement of company’s CEO Jae Kwon.

In Twitter thread, he wrote that CEO and co-founder of the company is neglecting the project and his unnecessary interference with the team had driven many talented engineer out of the company.

On February 3, in one his tweets, he said:

“Over the last 6 months, Jae has obsessively focused on Virgo while neglecting and under resourcing IBC. He threw a painstakingly planned hiring and resource improvement proposal out the window to become @BitcoinJaesus. His behaviour has become an untenable distraction.”


Manian further said:

“For the past month, Jae has subjected every internal communication channel to religious discrimination, loyalty tests and abusive rants. At the end of the day, for all his skills at building fault tolerant systems, Jae built All In Bits with himself as a single point of failure.”

Some insiders form Tendermint told the source that he also threatened to leave the project  and take much of the developers team with him unless Jae Kwon retires. And at last, He resigned last week but would continue his efforts to launch the project as early possible as he, in his tweet, said:

“My only goals in the next months is to remove Jae’s ability to further delay the Cosmos project and ensure IBC is launched without him. I’m going to work tirelessly on shipping IBC even if Jae fires me.”

The Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) is new protocol from Cosmos Network that empowers the community to extend the Cosmos Network with new tokens, protocols, cryptography, or other financial instruments.

The Cosmos Network is a decentralized network of independent, scalable, and interoperable blockchains, creating the foundation for a new token economy. The Interchain Foundation (ICF) is a Swiss non-profit foundation that was formed to support the development of Cosmos and the Tendermint, founded by Jae Kwon in 2014, is a software development company contracted by the ICF to develop the Cosmos Network.

The Cosmos Network describes itself as “Internet of Blockchains” that solves some of the hardest blockchain problems of scalability, usability and interoperability. The platform’s ATOM token is ranked 22, with a market cap near $795 million.



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