[DASH] – Dash Launches New Website Update as Well as an Updated Roadmap

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Dash core team has launched a new user interface (UI) for its Dash.org website this week. In an announcement on the Dash Forums on Thursday, February 28th, Dash Core CMO Fernando Gutierrez outlined the reasons for updating the previous website’s UI.

He said in part that one of the aims of updating the website was to get a

flexible site that we can keep updated easily. Our old site went stale because it was very difficult to do the smallest change and we didn’t have resources for that. Our new setup is very easy to update, while we keep a solid and secure system. This will allow us to use the website as the tool it is supposed to be.

In addition, the new website has implemented the 2018-approved design for the Dash community including the logos and branding. The new website is ‘dashing’ so to speak as it is more intuitive, attractive and complete than the previous design. Beyond the Dash branding, the new website has been designed with some images that make it more fun and lively to use.

Gutierrez added that:

Since Dash is a user-centric project that praises itself of being human, easy and approachable, we decided to include lifestyle images on top of some of the pages. This may be a controversial decision, but we believe it is the right one.” The images, new branding, and a few custom illustrations have been integrated into the navigation to make it “more pleasant and fun.

The main focus of this new design is user flow, directing key user groups (especially new users) through ways of acquiring and using Dash. As mentioned previously, the design is more intuitive and easy to use for newbies and experts alike. The new design was aimed at defining “a new information structure that is consistent with what we know of our audience already,” he said.

Now, we have defined four different groups of users, and we show each of them the things that make more sense. These are individuals, businesses, developers and community. In the future, it would probably make sense to even have separate sites for some of those groups, like developers or even merchants. However, we don’t have enough information yet to make that kind of decision. Nor [do] we have the resources at this time.

On top of this update, the new Dash roadmap is out. Coming up this year is the launch of the MVP to the user-friendly platform dubbed Evolution which includes the release of the decentralized APIs (dAPIs) with usernames and contact lists appropriate for the blockchain. According to the roadmap, this is now scheduled to come out later this year.



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