BitJob: job opportunities for students with blockchain endorsement

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The development platforms for new projects based on blockchain technology that we are getting to know these days show us the unstoppable growth of the adoption of this technology for practically all areas. On this occasion we will talk about the BitJob platform, which enters the scene of the job markets in an innovative way, and its token leaves.

BitJob defines itself as an ambitious and social project, based on Blockchain technology, and aims to revolutionize the way in which students can obtain occupational experience while they study. BitJob will give students the opportunity to receive immediate payment for their skills from employers and thus sharpen their skills while enriching their curriculum.

The problem factor that BitJob poses to solve, is an indisputable fact: Students face some problems; they are short on cash during their academic period and they lack occupational experience once they graduate. Moreover, coupled with these realities, the need to form a good curriculum is limited due to the lack of job opportunities according to the students’ lifespan.

BitJob will provide students participating in its platform to stop procrastinating their work development and turn their free time into a quick and stable income, while enriching online curricula and see income generating.

The participation in the platform goes like this: The participants of BitJob will have a reputation assigned to them, to allow them to access a remuneration appropriate to their skill level. The better the reputation of the participant, based on previous bitjobs, the greater the price they can receive during an hour of work.

Student reputation and lessons learned will be recorded in what the platform calls “DPR”, which is a dynamic Portfolio Curriculum that will be placed in a personal domain name and will be adopted by the job market and future employers.

A factor of professional quality and excellence is implicit in all this; every care is taken to encourage students to increase their reputation and keep it at the highest level. This benefits both employers and students without a doubt. To ensure the viability of this purpose BitJob has signed several construction agreements with universities, employers and student unions.

BitJob AlphA, pilot platform

BitJob AlphA is a semi-developed smart contract platform in the Ethereum blockchain network that eliminates the need to blindly trust server administrators. Thanks to its transparent properties, strong Authentication, Identity, Verifiability, Voting, Reputation and micro-transactions for the distribution of payments and distribution of affiliates in the platform are possible.

The crowdsale of BiJob

The platform’s native token is the so-called “Student Currency” (STU). On September 12, the crowdsale began, the cell will last for one month. The reference value of the STU token is 888 STU / 1 ETH.

No Minimum purchase is established, although at least 0.01 ETH will be required to cover TX charges derived from the transaction.

The minimum funding target of 2,250 ETH was successfully achieved and the project was launched. With this the viability of the platform is assured, and participants in the crowdsale are insured their tokens. To know more details about the project you can check your White Paper. Everything is going well.

By Crypto-Economy Team




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