Base is now a Step Away from Mainnet Launch

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As per the recent development, Base is left with a single criterion to satisfy before being prepped for mainnet launch. On June 29, the team responsible for the development stated that the Optimism-powered and Ethereum-secured platform went through extensive internal and external audits over the course of approximately six months. The conduction of the audits resulted in the satisfaction of four out of the original five criteria.

The team expressed a sigh of relief when it was concluded that Base did not experience any critical bugs. The team stated:

“Completing these in-depth security workstreams without discovering critical severity bugs gave the Base team confidence to proceed towards mainnet launch.”

Criteria Passed By Base

The other three criteria previously passed by the platform include a Regolith hard fork in testnet, a successful review of the infrastructure with OP labs, and Optimism’s Bedrock upgrade. Coinbase launched Base back in February this year to offer a secure, cost-efficient, and developer-friendly environment for the development of decentralized applications. To ideally test Optimism’s tech stack, the protocol security team at Coinbase conducted its own internal audit to identify possible vulnerabilities that might emerge on layer 1, layer 2, and on the bridges. 

Criteria Passed By Base

Despite the exchange’s involvement in conducting the internal audit, the platform also welcomed the broader community to participate in the audit test in an effort to report any potential bugs. However, a total of 100 researchers participated in the audit, and no bugs were reported.

The audits investigated by these researchers included Optimism’s node software, the EVM equivalence vulnerabilities, bridge vulnerabilities, as well as other smart contract issues. These community audits ran from May 27 to June 10, and sums of almost $100,000 were handed out to successful bounty hunters.  

Base is Now Required to Pass the Final Criteria

As per the statement issued by the platform, demonstrating testnet stability is the final criterion the platform needs to satisfy. Currently, the fulfillment of the final criteria is a topic shrouded in mystery, but the team did mention that they are still reviewing the submissions of the 100 researchers that participated in the previously conducted audits.  

Base mentioned that they have built Pessimism, an open-source monitoring tool that is bound to alert developers of possible anomalies that may arise in the protocol. Such anomalies include account balance irregularities, contract events, disparities between layer 1 and layer 2 states, and much more.


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