Verus brings Public Blockchains as a Service (PBaaS) to the Komodo ecosystem

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Verus is an open source project that is part of the Komodo ecosystem. From the beginning the developers of both projects have worked hand in hand, helping, advising and sharing information, in order to continue improving the ecosystem.

The Verus Project aims to establish a secure environment, focused on privacy and distributed equitably. Its main developer Michael Toutonghi (mikeout) has a wide professional background, having worked as CEO and Developer of Blockleaf Corporation, CEO and chief scientist in Functionalize Inc., CTO in Parallels or VP Distinguished Engineer in Microsoft among others.

The last 12 months the Verus project has introduced new features such as Stakeguard (the N@S solution) and has collaborated with the Sapling update code for the ecosystem.

Verus has solved the problem N@S (Nothing at Stake) that threatens the PoS work test by eliminating weak subjectivity. This improvement eliminates any incentive in which to try to “cheat”, making it a losing proposition.

This, combined with a new “Chain power” rule that will replace the “Chain work”, presents the PoW + PoS blockchain as a consensus model far superior to that of PoW that solves the threat of a weak subjectivity.

In an article of Medium de verus you can read about it:

The implications of this are enormous, making a hybrid blockchain like Verus resistant to weak subjectivity and adding capabilities that far surpass the security of traditional work chains in work test chains.

What is PbaaS?

The purpose of the Verus network with public blockchains as a service (PbaaS) is that in the future it will provide any project with the possibility of starting blockchains and paying a reasonable amount of Verus for notarization expenses to have hash power, participants, cross-chain transactions and applications in all the ecosystem of Verus, in addition to being interoperable with Komodo.

In recent weeks PbaaS has passed rigorous tests. At present, it allows a mining node to merge with up to 15 community channels and obtain rewards from these chains, in addition to the own reward of the main chain of verus.

JL777 main developer of Komodo, had a few words towards these advances:

It seems that we have some very interesting developments happening in parallel.

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